WWI Vocabulary

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1. entente "friendship" agreement between France, England and Russia
2. annex officially add a territory to a country
3. militarism when a country "glorifies" its military might
4. Triple Alliance military alliance between Italy, Germany, and Austria-Hungary
5. Triple Entente "friendship" agreement between France, England, and Russia
6. ultimatum "do this or else" statement
7. mobilize get troops and equipment in place for war
8. aggressor country that "starts" a war
9. neutrality official policy of not supporting any side or country in a war
10. Schlieffen Plan Germany's plan for fighting a two front war
11. Central Powers Germany, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Empire
12. Allies Britain, Russia, France, and later the U.S.
13. Western Front the area of military action in France and Belgium; trenches
14. Battle of Marne first major battle of WWI; France stopped German advance here
15. No-man's land deadly area between enemy trenches
16. trenches style of fighting on the Western Front in WWI
17. U-boat Germany's "underwater boat"; submarine
18. total war when a war consumes a country's economy and social lives
19. rationing when the government determines how much goods you can have
20. propaganda government sponsored information; usually to sway public opinion
21. convoy U.S. strategy for protecting allied shipping against U-boat attacks
22. abdicate when a monarch "gives up" his or her throne
23. armistice an agreement to stop fighting
24. Lusitania British cruise ship sunk by Germany in 1915; 129 Americans killed
25. self-determination the process by which a country determines its own statehood and forms its own allegiances and government
26. Fourteen Points Woodrow Wilson's plan for peace after the war
27. League of Nations permanent meeting of member nations to prevent war
28. reparations money owed to another country for war damages
29. Big Three U.S. (Wilson); France (Clemenceau); England (George)
30. mandate order that some areas be controlled by the United Nations
31. Zimmerman Note Germany promised Mexico some U.S. territory if Mexico would declare war against the U.S.
32. William II last "Kaiser" or king of Germany; abdicated at the end of the war
33. Woodrow Wilson President of the U.S. during WWI
34. Franz Ferdinand Archduke of Austria-Hungary; his assassination in 1914 would start WWI