WWII Terms

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1. nationalism extreme belief that one's country is better than another
2. fascism form of totalitarian government that promotes nationalism
3. totalitarianism government having total control over its citizens' lives
4. nazism fascist political party in Germany during the 1930s
5. Neutrality Act act passed by the US in 1939 declaring our neutrality
6. appeasement policy of giving the aggressor nations that they wanted
7. blitzkreig Hitler's "lightning" style of war
8. Non-aggression Pact Germany and Russia agreed not to fight over Poland
9. Holocaust systematic killing of the Jews in Nazi Germany during WWII
10. Genocide the attempt to wipe out an entire race of people
11. Concentration camps places where Jews were sent to work and die
12. Axis powers Japan, Italy, and Germany
13. Allies France, Britain, Russia, and the United States
14. V-E Day May 8, 1945; when Germany surrendered
15. Kamikaze 'Divine Wind'; name of Japanese suicide bombers in WWII
16. Manhattan Project project that developed the first atomic bomb
17. Yalta Conference meeting held in Feb.1945 to discuss post-war Europe
18. Nuremberg Trials place Nazi war criminals were tried for war crimes
19. Pearl Harbor US Naval base bombed by Japan on Dec 7, 1941
20. Stalingrad turning point battle against Germany by the Russians
21. D-Day the Allied invasion of Nazi occupied France in 1944
22. Battle of the Bulge last offensive by the Nazis in 1944 before they surrendered
23. Nagasaki second Japanese island where US dropped atomic bomb
24. Hiroshima first Japanese island where US dropped atomic bomb
25. Adolf Hitler Fascist dictator of Germany
26. Hideki Tojo military dictator of Japan
27. Winston Churchill Prime Minister of England during WWII
28. Joseph Stalin Communist dictator of Russia during WWII
29. Benito Mussolini Fascist dictator of Italy during WWII
30. General Patton Major WWII American General
31. Dwight Eisenhower commander of all Allied troops in Europe
32. Harry Truman became President of the US in March of 1945
33. Douglas McArthur commander of Allied troops in the Pacific
34. Robert Oppenheimer leading scientist that helped develop atomic bomb